Great item, i’d been looking for a replacement handle for my old garden fork, as the plastic one on it had perrished after 30 odd years.
The internal dia on all the other handles i had looked at had been too big to fit the fork shaft, being 30mm and upwards. This handle has an internal dia of 28mm giving a perfect fit. I now hope the fork will out last me, as i dont think i’m going to last another 30 odd years!
Fits my snow shovel perfectly, very robust
Great item, i’d been looking for a replacement handle for my old garden fork, as the plastic one on it had perrished after 30 odd years.
The internal dia on all the other handles i had looked at had been too big to fit the fork shaft, being 30mm and upwards. This handle has an internal dia of 28mm giving a perfect fit. I now hope the fork will out last me, as i dont think i’m going to last another 30 odd years!